Carbon Is Bad

CarbonIsBad is the world's first on-chain carbon emissions calculator where users can calculate their emissions and offset their carbon footprint.


Design Lead


Figma, Notion, Figjam




December 2022

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


Problem Statement

People are often unaware of their carbon emissions and the impact they have on the growing climate crisis.



Offering a service that allows individuals to both calculate and compensate for their carbon emissions on a single platform.

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


Market Data & Survey

We conducted a survey with a random sample of 100 people which yielded the following insights:

  • Gen Z and Millennials are more concerned about carbon offsets

  • People with higher disposable income were much more likely offset their carbon emissions

  • People with higher levels of education are more likely to offset their carbon emissions


Competitive Analysis: Wren

Our team conducted a competitive analysis of our main competitor, Wren. What we found was:

  • Wren lacks a compelling clear call to action for their calculator

  • Wren's calculator lacks in visual hierarchy which confuses the user

  • Iconography and micro interactions instantly gratify the user resulting in a more engaging experience

  • Wren's brand feels very corporate which can have a negative connotation with climate


Inspiration from Similar Products

Drawing from survey inspiration:

  1. Vibrant Visuals: Engaging, brand-aligned visuals combat monotony.

  2. Clear Progress: An animated progress bar guides users effortlessly.

  3. Creative Questions: Injecting fun and creativity enhances engagement.


Empathy Interviews

Interviews with 6 climate-conscious individuals explored their views, motivations, and actions in a supportive, non-judgmental setting to gain insights into their experiences and efforts.


Understanding the User: Empathy Map

We used empathy maps based on interview data to understand user needs deeply, ensuring their wants and needs were prioritized throughout the design process.



I created wireframes based on my sketches to prototype the product quickly and gather feedback for necessary changes.


Color & Typography

The color pallet is inspired by the earth while still keeping things modern.


User Flow Chart

While designing all the proper screens for HI-Fidelity we consulted with our engineers on the order of questions from both a user and technical standpoint.


User Interview Testing - Meet Sabari!

Sabari is a 40 year old software engineer and an environmentalist based in Los Angeles.

  • She is very aware of the climate crisis

  • High level of disposable income

  • Masters level Education

I asked Sabari to give me her thoughts on the low-fi prototype and here is what she said:

"I love how in depth this calculator is. It is really making me understand what I can do to decrease my carbon footprint."

"This is great and all but I'm still a little confused on what an offset is and how it relates to the calculator."

"I understand how many tons of CO2 I'm emitting but I'm not sure what exactly that means for the environment."


Key Solution #1: The Narrative

User testing showed product confusion. We fixed it when going back to lo-fi with an emotional, educational scroll experience explaining carbon offsets.


Key Solution #2: Contextualization

After the calculator experience users were having a hard time understanding what exactly the number of carbon tons they emit mean. After exploring solutions we decided to create a click through experience that contextualize how much carbon the user emits in a way that is easier to visualize


User Feedback - Welcome back Sabari!

“Using this now is really straightforward, I really like the narrative in the beginning! “

"I actually like how I know how much I emit with context I understand now"


Branding and Graphic Design

After the lo-fidelity was approved I decided to move on to the process of designing in hi-fidelity. I designed graphics with Figma for the product that aligned with the branding and color scheme, resulting in a cohesive appearance throughout the product.


Design System

By implementing a design system, I was able to streamline my design workflow by working at a high-fidelity level and maintaining consistency in my design components, which made it easier for engineers to develop the product.


Learn about Offsets

We implemented an informative narrative that explains the concept of carbon offsets, with a prominent call to action that guides users to access the offset calculator.


Calculate Emissions

We added an informative narrative that explains the concept of carbon offsets, with a prominent call to action that guides users to access the offset calculator.


Underestand Offsets

To enhance the user experience of the calculator, we implemented a contextualization flow that enables users to visually comprehend the significance of their carbon emissions.


Successfully Reducing Carbon Emissions

Since CarbonIsBad launched, we've offset over 100+ tons of CO2, fueling a passionate movement for environmental change. With constant product iteration, we're primed to make an even greater impact.



What I designed was simply an MVP. As a long-term designer for CarbonIsBad, I will conduct user research and use iterative design to improve usability and user experience. I will also monitor market and user trends to keep the product relevant and make design decisions based on data. Some areas I could have improved upon are:

  • Better collaboration with engineers to ensure a smoother product launch with the narrative experience

  • More research could have been conducted with lo-fidelity prototype

Let’s Collaborate

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July 2024


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July 2024


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July 2024